nonconformity :

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non kuhn fawr muh tee

  • n  lack of harmony or correspondence
  • n  a lack of orthodoxy in thoughts or beliefs
  • n  unorthodoxy as a consequence of not conforming to expected standards or values
  • n  failure to conform to accepted standards of behavior

  • A crackdown on nonconformity The critique of the Communist Party's role in East German industry was tough and trenchant.
  • Many things make people think artists are weird--the odd hours, the nonconformity, the clove cigarettes.
  • He needs someone among the students to resist his overbearing but yet rather theatrically conventional nonconformity.
News & Articles

  • Vintage Style in Bucharest
    The old center of Bucharest, Romania, highlights vintage style and nonconformity in local fashion. Victor Placinta, an architect, said his wardrobe is inspired by British style.
    Dec. 2, 2013 - New York Times

  • Leo Abse in FOXNews
    I had two great advantages: I was born a Jew in Wales in the benign climate of Welsh nonconformity; we believed we had a covenant with God and God would look after us,Abse said in an interview this year with Intelligent Life magazine....
  • Dusty Baker in
    Barry had some racial stuff, too. I'm sure he did,Baker said. "But the apples-and-oranges come because of a difference in history and time. Hank's homers came at probably the most visible nonconformity period of our country -- the Civil...
  • J Michael Bailey in Washington Post
    Stereotypes are often at least partly based in truth,Bailey said. "It reflects what we call 'gender nonconformity' in gay and lesbian people. On average, gay men tend to be a bit feminine and lesbians a bit masculine. That's on average and...

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