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uh sahyn

  • v  give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
  • v  give out
    We were assigned new uniforms
  • v  attribute or credit to
  • v  select something or someone for a specific purpose
    The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise
  • v  attribute or give
  • v  make undue claims to having
  • v  transfer one's right to
  • v  decide as to where something belongs in a scheme
    The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class

  • A flurry of new research is shedding light on people's tendency--when presented with a known object and an unknown one--to assign more value to the thing they've heard of, even if .
  • Everywhere but here, it seems, the clamor for higher standards has driven schools to assign more and more homework.
  • Upload your images and assign identifying tags to help others find your stuff.
News & Articles

  • Multinationals take a bigger view
    WASHINGTON - We instinctively assign national identities to large global corporations. Toyota is Japanese; IBM is American; Siemens is German; Samsung is Korean. We assume these big firms reflect their national origins and act as informal instruments of government policy. Up to a point, this is probably true. Companies' personalities do embody the culture and values of their place of birth. No ...
    June 16, 2013 - Worcester Telegram & Gazette
  • Can you chart a dad’s value?
    When it comes to our parents, we tend to assign value by how much we spend. Don’t believe me. Let’s compare Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.        
    June 16, 2013 - Boston Globe
  • Check, please: Take Dad to a no-reservations required dinner
    TOM WALLACE ï Assign#00008175A Slug: rn0604 May 28, 2009 Pairings Food & Wine Market, 6001 Shady Oak Rd., Minnetonka, just north of Crosstown 62/Shady Oak Rd. intersection. The entrance to the market side.
    June 15, 2013 - Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune

  • Michael Chertoff in Forbes
    Secure Flight will not harm personal passenger privacy,Chertoff said. "It won't collect commercial data (about passengers). It will not assign risk scores and will not attempt to predict behaviors."
  • Michael Bloomberg in New York Times
    The guy that runs BP didn't exactly go down there and blow up the well,Mr. Bloomberg said. "And what's more, if we want them to fix it and they're the only ones with the expertise, I think I might wait to assign blame."
  • Felipe Massa in Reuters UK
    I'd say that the rule to assign the title to the driver who wins the most races is not correct,Brazilian Massa told Ferrari's website ( on Tuesday. "A driver might win more races, but might be very inconsistent in his...

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