impute :

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im pyooht

  • v  attribute or credit to
    People impute great cleverness to cats
  • v  attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source
    The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness

  • Those who impute to Obama radical views about AIDS, Israel or black nationalism are knowingly discounting his stated positions and making assumptions that may be influenced by his .
  • Critics were quick to ask how the researchers could impute causality when no actual TV watching was ever measured.
  • Is it all about oil, a motive many impute to President Bush but which could equally apply to France's lucrative Iraqi ties? Or does Chirac really have a better plan for dealing .
News & Articles

  • Evernote introduces two-step verification for all
    Evernote has offered two-step verification for Premium and Business users since May of 2013 , leaving us cheap, every-day users with standard verification. The company promised to bring two-step verification to all of its users, and now that's what it's done. Free users will need to download Google Authenticator to generate a login code. Once you've enable the service simply impute the code and ...
    Oct. 7, 2013 - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

  • Eric Rudolph in San Diego Union Tribune
    The fact that I have entered an agreement with the government is purely a tactical choice on my part and in no way legitimates the moral authority of the government to judge this matter or to impute guilt,Rudolph said.
  • Dalton McGuinty in Toronto Star
    To somehow impute that an intern has now become part of the directing mind, I think is a little bit much,McGuinty told reporters. "There's room for improvement in the process. We've put in place a new process."
  • James Brayshaw in The Age
    Last week we - shut up, Sam, for a second - we referred to Western Bulldogs board member Susan Alberti's criticism of a segment on our show,Brayshaw said on the show. "To clarify what was said and intended, we didn't impute Mrs Alberti was...

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