yeah :

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  • r  not only so, but

  • When a slangster cocks an eyebrow and rasps "Oh, yeah?" some people feel faintly bilious.
  • A Hard Day's Night captures a moment, maybe the last, when rock stars didn't take themselves seriously and could unaffectedly enjoy the pleasure of being rich (yeah!), famous (yeah .
  • But people say, "Oh, yeah, that's just South Park.
News & Articles

  • Demos a demon on lanes
    Yeah, he's a true amateur now, or he was until he won $10,000 this year in the 205-and-under categor...
    June 13, 2013 - Albuquerque Journal
  • Demos a demon on lanes
    Yeah, he's a true amateur now, or he was until he won $10,000 this year in the 205-and-under categor...
    June 13, 2013 - Albuquerque Journal
  • ‘Kinky Boots’ musical gets national tour for 2014
    Everybody say yeah! After winning six Tonys — including Best Musical — this past weekend, Kinky Boots will kick off
    June 12, 2013 - Entertainment Weekly

  • Patrick Swayze in
    You can bet that I'm going through hell,says Swayze to Walters. "And I've only seen the beginning of it. Yeah, I'm scared."
  • Steve Stricker in Cybergolf National
    Yeah, always tough to follow up a good round with another good round, and for whatever reason, I don't know, but I thought I did a pretty good job of that today,Stricker said. "But I struggled on a couple holes, put myself in a couple...
  • Brett Favre in Boston Globe
    Yeah, there was a heated discussion, I guess you would call it,said Favre, who remained in the game. "We were up, 7-6, at the time. No secret, I was getting hit a little bit. I felt the pressure on a lot of plays. We had 7 points. So I...

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