yearningly :

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  • r  in a yearning manner

  • She was 26, an illegitimate daughter of Franz Liszt, wife of Pianist and Conductor Hans von Blow, a quick, intense, yearningly serious votary of high German romanticism.
  • On the other hand, many businessmen look yearningly toward Japan as an enormous market for American goods.
  • This, one wants to say, is the artist of American democracy, yearningly faithful to its clamor, its contradictions, its hope and its enormous demotic freedom, all of which find .

  • Get Cape Wear Cape Fly in SYS-CON Media
    The Fly praised the album's "yearningly euphoric, beat-flecked folktronica" for "transcend(ing) genre...... it brings to mind the Lemonheads, Brand New, the Cure, even Oasis, and repeated listening highlights the wide scope of (his)...
  • Zoe Williams in Newsweek
    Now you need two inches of buttercream. It has to be pink, or green, or baby blue. It has to be piped. It has to reach yearningly skywards,columnist Zoe Williams wrote in The Guardian earlier this year. "The modern cupcake looks like a...

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