Because of man's unworthiness, good works could not affect God's favoring glance; they were simply "the fruits of faith" the response of man to divine favor.
Richard Nixon, a president whose insecurities and intimations of unworthiness reached pathological levels, invoked TR throughout his presidency, right up to the mawkish speech he .
While Eddie salves his loneliness by bed hopping with New Cows, Jane wallows in the feelings of unworthiness and unlovability endemic in Old Cows.
Pac-12 lunch links: Stanford accused And could I look upon her without compassion, seeing her punishment in the ruin she was, in her profound unfitness for this earth on which she was placed, in the vanity of sorrow which had become a mastermania, like the vanity of penitence, the vanity of remorse, the vanity of unworthiness, and other monstrous vanities that have been curses in this world? Arizona needs more consistency at kicker ...
Oct. 7, 2013 - ESPN Blogs
Jim Kolbe in San Francisco Chronicle Kolbe said that if the comments are true, Goldwater "has demonstrated his complete unworthiness for public office, and I am confident he will be soundly rejected by Republicans from the party of Barry Goldwater, who consistently demonstrated his...