underclothes :

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  • n  undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments

  • She offered to give them her brassiere, but they had to first check with an imam whether Islam allowed a man to touch a woman's underclothes.
  • It also rules out the common practice of having a woman patient lean over a table and pull up her underclothes with one hand: that way, she exposes only the lower part of the .
  • Could you try on clothes in any shop, any time, without worrying about your underclothes? How many things are in the wrong roomcups in the study, boots in the kitchen?".

  • Rudi Johnson in CBC.ca
    I got the bags back empty,Johnson said. "So he has got a bunch of my underclothes. What he is going to do with that, I don't know. He has got some socks and boxers."
  • Chip Frederick in China Daily
    Frederick said that from his first day at the prison, he saw detainees "naked, handcuffed to their door, some wearing female underclothes."
  • Stephen Breyer in USA Today
    I'm trying to work out why is this a major thing to, say, strip down to your underclothes, which children do when they change for gym,Breyer said. "How bad is this?"

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