trivialize :

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tri vee uh lahyz

  • v  make trivial or insignificant
    Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!

  • He doesn't trivialize or condescend.
  • In fact, some first wives feared that Hollywood would trivialize their plight.
  • I didn't want to either trivialize the murder or feed into some sensationalistic idea that reality TV somehow turned Jenkins into a killer.

  • Abraham Foxman in Anti-Defamation League (press release)
    ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman said in a statement:"This is an outrageous and shoddy attempt by D. James Kennedy to trivialize the horrors of the Holocaust. Hitler did not need Darwin to devise his heinous plan to exterminate the Jewish...
  • Jim Balsillie in Ottawa Citizen
    I don't want to in any way trivialize it, because it is absolutely a super and important and valuable sector that we serve,Jim Balsillie told Reuters in an interview. "But I also don't want to overplay it, either."
  • Mayor John Street in Guardian Unlimited
    We have involved Lynne Abraham in a huge part of our antiviolence efforts. She has only chosen to get ugly now because of her budget,Street said Thursday. "It's really unfortunate that she would seek to trivialize a serious problem we are...

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