triviality :

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tri vee a luh tee

  • n  the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous
  • n  a detail that is considered insignificant
  • n  something of small importance

  • He charges Hawkins with solemnity and digressiveness (true), inaccuracy (partly true, to about the extent that it is true of Boswell), triviality (mostly untrue), and a "dark .
  • He was the compleat '60s fashion plate, so much a part of the hustling, celebrity-obsessed triviality of the time that even now he can hardly be detached from ita sort of two .
  • But of course he didn't decline into triviality.
News & Articles

  • Hanson: Two Americas
    Two quite different 21st-century Americas are emerging. The nation is not so much divided by "wars" between the rich and poor, men and women, or white and non-white. Instead, there is the world of reality versus that of triviality.
    Aug. 23, 2013 - The St. Augustine Record

  • Richard Wagner in International Herald Tribune
    What issues from the Jews' attempts at making art must necessarily therefore bear attributes of coldness and indifference, even to triviality and absurdity,Wagner wrote.
  • Sol Trujillo in Reuters
    We are a bit surprised at taking this action on a triviality,Trujillo said.
  • Joan Didion in Times Online
    His later work is more highly regarded now than it was when it first appeared (Joan Didion said that Franny and Zooey was "finally spurious, and what makes it spurious is Salinger's tendency to flatter the essential triviality within each of his...

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