Trinity United Methodist Women Trinity United Methodist Women met June 7 in Gollaher Hall for the program presented by Ilene King, Sherry Cook and Liz Rhodes.
June 25, 2013 - Grand Island Independent
Trinity School student from Catonsville awarded scholarship to St. Timothy's Catonsville resident Magdelena MacDonald was one of 14 members of the eighth-grade class at Trinity School in Ellicott City who were awarded a combined total of more than $300,000 in scholarships from independent and Catholic high schools in the Baltimore area.
June 25, 2013 - Catonsville Times
Barack Obama in Washington Post The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation,Obama wrote. "Most importantly,...
Sly Bailey in Manchester Evening News Chief executive Sly Bailey said: "We believe it is now right to bring our disposal process to a close. The process will enable Trinity Mirror to go forward as a more tightly-focused media group, which is nimbler and more able to respond to the...