The two-headed dog, no freak of nature, was the latest product of Surgeon Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov, chief of the organ-transplanting laboratory of the Soviet Academy of Medical .
So far, though, most of the genetic tinkering has been limited to transplanting genes into isolated cells in laboratory dishes or into bacteria.
A psychiatrist in Syria before transplanting to Southern California in 1989 with her family, she gave an interview with al-Jazeera a couple of months ago that made her a household .
Amit Kumar in Sify I did people a service (through the transplants). I ran the Star Max Life Care Hospital in Gurgaon in India's Haryana State,Amit Kumar told police in his statement, a news report said on Saturday. "Transplanting kidneys is my main...
James Fallon in PR Web (press release) They (stem cells) can be stimulated by growth factors without the need for transplanting; instead, we've just stimulated the cells that are already there,say James Fallon, professor of anatomy and neurobiology at UC Irvine and researcher at...
Jean-Michel Dubernard in New Scientist (subscription) I think it might be possible, but we have to find a patient, and there'sa technical problem transplanting eyelids,says Jean-Michel Dubernard of the Edouard Herriot Hospital in Lyon, and co-leader of the team that did the first face transplant.