transplanting :

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trans plan ting

  • n  the act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location
    too frequent transplanting is not good for families
  • v  lift and reset in another soil or situation
  • v  be transplantable
  • v  place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient
  • v  transfer from one place or period to another

  • The two-headed dog, no freak of nature, was the latest product of Surgeon Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov, chief of the organ-transplanting laboratory of the Soviet Academy of Medical .
  • So far, though, most of the genetic tinkering has been limited to transplanting genes into isolated cells in laboratory dishes or into bacteria.
  • A psychiatrist in Syria before transplanting to Southern California in 1989 with her family, she gave an interview with al-Jazeera a couple of months ago that made her a household .
News & Articles

  • Do it now
    - Continue dividing, transplanting and staking.
    June 18, 2013 - The Journal News

  • Amit Kumar in Sify
    I did people a service (through the transplants). I ran the Star Max Life Care Hospital in Gurgaon in India's Haryana State,Amit Kumar told police in his statement, a news report said on Saturday. "Transplanting kidneys is my main...
  • James Fallon in PR Web (press release)
    They (stem cells) can be stimulated by growth factors without the need for transplanting; instead, we've just stimulated the cells that are already there,say James Fallon, professor of anatomy and neurobiology at UC Irvine and researcher at...
  • Jean-Michel Dubernard in New Scientist (subscription)
    I think it might be possible, but we have to find a patient, and there'sa technical problem transplanting eyelids,says Jean-Michel Dubernard of the Edouard Herriot Hospital in Lyon, and co-leader of the team that did the first face transplant.

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