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- Pets
PETS The following animals have been brought to the Helping Hands Humane Society, 5720 S.W. 21st. The telephone number is 233-7325. Cats Female, calico, unknown age, found in the 1100 block of S.W. Jewell.
June 16, 2013 - The Topeka Capital-Journal - Bulletin Board 06/15/13
Notices of government meetings and special events of communitywide interest should be submitted in writing to: Leader-Telegram, P.O. Box 570, Eau Claire, WI 54702-0570. Email: Fax: 715-858-7308. The deadline is four days before the event. Notices should include a telephone number and a contact person's name. All events listed are open to the public.
June 15, 2013 - Leader-Telegram - Looking Back: June 15
Looking Back photos are used in Faith & Community at no charge on a space-permitting basis. Photos must be at least 50 years old. Please include caption information with the photo and, if possible, identify people in photographs. The person submitting the photo should include their name, address and telephone number.
June 15, 2013 - The Journal Times