GOOD MORNING: Don't stray far: Someone is looking for you Sam adopted me. Thinking back, I guess he was a ratty stray tabby cat, a vicious street fighter who would come to check on me at regular intervals. He would be marked by whatever combat he’d encountered since he’d checked in last. But he sort of made sure I got home and Pop let him in the house and he picked a place to sleep, when he’d deign to sleep inside, you see.
July 6, 2013 - Evansville Courier & Press
Display Lag database rates 170 HDTVs based on input lag Input Lag is a condition that affects millions * of people - and now there's something we can all do about it. Competitive Street Fighter 4 player Adeel Soomro has compiled a database of 170 HDTVs and monitors that he put through the ringer with Leo Bodnar's Lag Tester, on a site called Display Lag. Soomro rates the screens by "Excellent," "Great," "Okay" and "Bad," as defined here . All screens ...
July 3, 2013 - Joystiq
The kick crowdfunders don't deserve Opinion | I pledged to Ouya, Pebble and Super Sesame Street Fighter. Guess which one didn't disappoint.
July 1, 2013 - Washington Post