Manu Melwani opens up a chunky ledger and points to the spidery scrawl at the top of a page.
Since the spidery lines of Doonesbury first appeared in the Yale campus newspaper in 1968, they have become the punch lines of some 449 dailies.
Her next was to make Harry a naive hero, plucked from ignominious obscurity--the spidery cupboard under his awful relatives' stairs--and challenged to greatness.
Maldives gives underwater hotel green light With its luminous body seemingly hovering above the water, and five spidery legs plunging deep into the sea, this futuristic building could be the mothership in a sci-fi film. In fact, it's the design for one of the world's largest underwater hotels -- and it could be coming to a beach near you.
June 10, 2013 - WKBT La Crosse
Space-Age Underwater Hotel Planned for Maldives With its luminous body seemingly hovering above the water, and five spidery legs plunging deep into the sea, this futuristic building could be the mothership in a sci-fi film.
June 10, 2013 - KIII Corpus Christi
Luke Richardson in He definitely makes great passes,said Senators assistant coach Luke Richardson, who patrolled National Hockey League blue lines for two decades. "He's kind of got that sneaky, spidery skating style to gets around guys, almost like a Brian...
Todd Haynes in Edmonton Journal At the root of what made him so unique in 1966 was this bizarre androgyny,Haynes says. "It was almost how a woman would be androgynous rather than how a man would be. It wasn't really effeminate. It was truly an enigmatic, spidery figure...
Lydia Polgreen in Yahoo! News In Kano's Government Residential Area, where the wealthy live,Ms. Polgreen writes, "each household is its own power and water company. Plastic water tanks on spidery legs tower over the tiled roofs, each fed by an electric pump sucking...