spiderlike :

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  • a  relating to or resembling a member of the class Arachnida

  • No postwar industry has grown faster than electronics, and no electronic devices have paid off more handsomely than semiconductorsthe tiny, spiderlike transistors, diodes .
  • On a computer screen a 3-D image of a ball appears as well as a representation of my hand, which I control by moving the big, spiderlike exoskeleton I'm wearing.
  • It changes the context of the little girl's sprawling, spiderlike, faceless pose, adding an element of sensuality that would not be there in blackwhite.
News & Articles

  • Art Scene
    Art Scene: One Another: Spiderlike, I Spin Mirrors: Selections from Women Artists of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Collection, Performing Economies Colloquium
    April 3, 2014 - Artvoice

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