To say what a pervert Franken is, Coleman alluded to a smutty humor piece about virtual sex that Franken wrote for Playboy eight years ago.
According to a Customs Service spokesman, computerized transmission of illegal pornography among pedophiles is rapidly becoming more popular than smutty magazines.
People of a certain age recall when Stuckey's was known for sweet divinity and gooey taffy, back when such phrases weren't even vaguely smutty.
Alexis Bledel and Matt Bomer Star In ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Petition Alexis Bledel and Matt Bomer will star in Fifty Shades of Grey or else. Fans of the smutty series are just irate about the casting of Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson in the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey film. The casting was announced this week and has already resulted in quite a bit of controversy,... Read more » Alexis Bledel and Matt Bomer Star In ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Petition is a post ...
Sept. 4, 2013 - The Inquisitr