With 39 ships totaling nearly 1,000,000 tons on the seas, Niarchos claims to be the biggest independent tanker operator in the world, an honor that is disputed by his wife's .
Buccaneers seize ships almost daily off the coast of Somalia, but the booty doesn't usually include enough T-72s to equip a tank battalion.
Savannah cruise ship terminal study to remain under wraps one week Findings of the City of Savannah's $200,000 phase 1 staging study for a possible cruise ship terminal are in the city manager's office, but won't be released until next week at a special council work session.
June 18, 2013 - WTOC 11 Savannah
Fifth Ship Diverted From Maher Terminals Maher Terminals said a fifth ship has been diverted to a nearby terminal as the Port of New York and New Jersey’s largest container facility struggles with congestion and delays for a second week.
June 17, 2013 - Journal of Commerce Online
Passenger ship reports engine fire: all OK SEATTLE (AP) — A tour ship carrying more than 150 passengers detoured Friday evening to dock at a Seattle marina after fire was reported in an engine compartment as the ship returned from a daylong trip to the San Juan Islands. No injuries were reported.
June 15, 2013 - Associated Press via Yahoo! News