shapeliness :

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  • n  the quality of having a well-rounded body

  • And there, in "live" sketches whose wit, drive, sophistication and narrative shapeliness put to shame all that came after, you will see the first and greatest Method comic.
  • Chaos neatly packaged with all the shapeliness of the Farmer's Almanac.
  • For all these parallels between the invented and the real, The Ghost Writer conveys a formal design and aesthetic shapeliness that are antithetical to the factual imperatives of .

  • Stacy Keibler in Boston Herald
    It's not just tone and shapeliness,Keibler told the Track. "A big thing for us is personality. Is the girl smiling? Is she having fun? And trust me, we've seen a ton of girls whose legs look great but they really, really don't want to be...

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