v make sexual, endow with sex, attribute sex to
The god was sexualized and married to another god Some languages sexualize all nouns and do not have a neuter gender
French Senate passes ban on child beauty pageants The French Senate passed a ban on beauty pageants for children yesterday, citing concerns that the competitions 'hyper-sexualize' young girls. The bill arose out of debate over proposed women's rights law.
Sept. 19, 2013 - The Christian Science Monitor
French Senate votes to ban child beauty pageants France's Senate has voted to ban beauty pageants for children under 16 in an effort to protect girls from being sexualized too early. Anyone who enters a child into such a contest would face up to two ...
Sept. 18, 2013 - Associated Press via Yahoo! News
France's Senate votes to ban child beauty pageants France's Senate has voted to ban beauty pageants for children under 16 in an effort to protect girls from being sexualized too early. Anyone who enters a child into such a contest would face up to two years in prison and 30,000 euros in fines.
Sept. 18, 2013 - NBC NEWS