scamp :

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  • n  one who is playfully mischievous
  • v  perform hastily and carelessly

  • This young scamp with his paper bag-shaped head, his body's jagged, modernist silhouette, his brat-propelled skateboard may be "yellow trash" to the town gentry, but to his .
  • His legacy is not one of a scamp or a drunkard, but rather that of a statesman, who defeated his own personal demons, to earn the respect of his peers and much of his nation.
  • The Chicago Tribune gloated with a loud goodwill last week that it had caught the scamp who five months ago had used a Tribune want ad with dastardly intent and criminal.

  • John DiMaggio in Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
    John DiMaggio, who voices the robot, describes him as, "an obnoxious, fun-loving, human-hating, booze-drinking, womanizing scamp. He is egotistical in all the greatest ways you can be egotistical and gets away with it, always. He is always on the...
  • John Gomery in
    Gomery described Guite as "a charming scamp" in an ill-advised newspaper interview he gave halfway through his hearings, but his report paints a much different picture.

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