rusticate :

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  • v  live in the country and lead a rustic life
  • v  send to the country
    He was rusticated for his bad behavior
  • v  suspend temporarily from college or university, in England
  • v  give (stone) a rustic look
  • v  lend a rustic character to
    rusticate the house in the country

  • In other words, as far as the Soviet-dominated government in Prague is concerned, Dubek's main job in Ankara is to rusticate.
  • Johnny Case solves his problem neatly by leaving his fiancee, Julia, to rusticate in the Seton mansion, eloping with her older sister, Linda, who shares his disdain for her .
  • He plans to rusticate in Mexico, not talk any English for 90 days.
News & Articles

  • Kachina Cult Cab
    I'm not breaking any news reporting that yet another couple packed in the high-tech life to rusticate in the vineyards. Kachina Vineyards owners Greg (shown) and Nancy Chambers gave up fast-paced careers 15 years ago to buy an undeveloped parcel in the benchlands above Dry Creek Valley.
    April 16, 2014 - North Bay Bohemian

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