reliance :

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ri lahy uhns

  • n  certainty based on past experience
    he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists
  • n  the state of relying on something

  • In fact South Korea's yushin system was in many ways a reflection of North Korea's policy of juche (self-reliance).
  • An impresario of powerful, conflicting emotions, Farrakhan orchestrates pride and rage, love and hate, raising his revival tent on the twin poles of black self-reliance and white .
  • In the meantime, he will remain an irritant to nato, a source of division within Europe and yet another reason for the West to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.
News & Articles


  • Anthony Kennedy in
    Fear of litigation alone cannot justify the city's reliance on race to the detriment of individuals who passed the examinations and qualified for promotions,wrote justice Anthony Kennedy for the court.
  • Henry Waxman in
    Waxman said the pipeline will "expand our reliance on the dirtiest source of transportation fuel currently available," and quoted a study that found the full-lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of oilsands crude to be 37 per cent higher than...
  • Jennifer Granholm in USA Today
    If the companies do not get help, "we'll be replacing our reliance on foreign oil with a reliance on foreign batteries because it's going to be the battery that's driving the electric vehicle in the future," Granholm said.

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