reintegrate :

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ree in tuh grayt

  • v  integrate again
    Russia must be reintegrated into Europe

  • The aging strongman now sees himself as conciliator, who would stay only long enoughpossibly two or three monthsto help reintegrate the Peronistas peacefully back into the .
  • Afghanistan doesn't have the resources to reintegrate them in large numbers.
  • The dilemma now confronting the English justice system is how to reintegrate the notorious duo into a society that remains horrified by their crimes and skeptical about their .

  • Nicolas Sarkozy in International Herald Tribune
    France must speak with all of those who want to return to the road of respectability and reintegrate the international community,Sarkozy said.
  • Barack Obama in National Post
    So long as Taliban members respect the Afghan constitution and "renounce violence and ties to al-Qaida," Mr. Obama said, "President Karzai should be able to work to reintegrate those individuals into Afghan society."
  • Ban Ki-moon in Bloomberg
    Families must be reunited and people must be able to begin rebuilding their lives and reintegrate into society,Ban said. "The United Nations is ready to help in any way it can, under proper conditions. Full transparency and full respect...

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