reform :

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ruh fawrm

  • n  a change for the better as a result of correcting abuses
    justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts
  • n  a campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices
    the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians
  • n  self-improvement in behavior or morals by abandoning some vice
    the family rejoiced in the drunkard's reform
  • v  make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices
    reform a political system
  • v  bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one
    The Church reformed me
    reform your conduct
  • v  produce by cracking
    reform gas
  • v  break up the molecules of
    reform oil
  • v  improve by alteration or correction of errors or defects and put into a better condition
    reform the health system in this country
  • v  change for the better
    The lazy student promised to reform

  • The debate over health reform, most days, concerns earthly things, like spreadsheets, CBO projections, medicare reimbursements rates, and health insurance qualifications.
  • Despite protesting that it is being unfairly vilified in the health-care reform battle, the insurance industry is far from ready to accept the reforms currently on the table.
  • My cover story on health care reform in this week's PTI focuses in part on this famously eloquent President's frustration at his inability to come up with a message at a time when .
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in BusinessWeek
    Reform that brings accountability to our immigration system cannot pass without Republican votes,he said. "That is the political and mathematical reality."
  • David Cameron in Daily Star
    Mr Cameron said: "We have some deep and pressing problems - a huge deficit, deep social problems, a political system in need of reform."
  • Max Baucus in CNN International
    Baucus added that they would sit down and "take stock of where we are and determine how to best pass real reform."

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