Last fortnight, with the cargo safely ashore, Salvager Canipe and his crew pumped the remaining water out of the Babun, did some work on her machinery and prepared to refloat her.
In 1959, figuring that the public was ready to stretch its sea legs again, M-G-M decided to refloat The Bounty.
The bailout, which would refloat failed unions and merge other struggling ones, could cost Japanese taxpayers as much as $10 billion, Nomura estimates.
Repairs give historic lightship a future The historic lightship Swiftsure is taken from dry dock on Wednesday after 90 days of repairs on Lake Union. Built in 1904, it was one of hundreds of floating lighthouses. Dockmaster Ron Frye at Lake Union Drydock Co. communicates with workers aboard the vessel as water rises to refloat the ship.
Aug. 22, 2013 - Seattle Times
Anna Bligh in BusinessWeek If it is possible to refloat the ship with the coal on board, that's how it will be managed,Bligh told reporters.
Bruce Golding in We do not have the resources or the fiscal space to support effective stimulus packages to refloat our economies. Our economies are naked, shivering for warmth in the blizzard of the global crisis,Golding said. "We remain orphans in the...
Joe Tripodi in Melbourne Herald Sun I stress it may take a number of high tides to refloat the vessel and the duration of the operation will depend on how the vessel responds,Mr Tripodi said.