From modest recants--Oprah Winfrey on James Frey, NBA commissioner David Stern on leather balls, Rupert Murdoch on global warming--to full-on ideological 180s, reappraisal is in .
Reuters reports that "under the evolving plan, homes would undergo a standardized reappraisal and homeowners would face a uniform eligibility test.
Early success is followed, almost metronomically, by harsh reappraisal; and in the process, many promising writers are intimidated, disillusioned or silenced.
Utilities rates proposed for increases in Bartlett Bartlett may be intent on holding its tax rate increase to what is necessary to address reappraisal, but there are a couple of fee increases included in the budget for consideration Tuesday night.
June 10, 2013 - Memphis Commercial Appeal
Marvin Kalb in Washington Post She's done excellent work,Kalb said. "She deserves an honest reappraisal. Whether that will be given to her, who knows. But it's deserved."
Barack Obama in Washington Post In a speech at NASDAQ Marketsite, Obama warned that a "what's good for me is good enough" mentality is creeping across Wall Street and echoed Franklin D. Roosevelt in calling for a "reappraisal of values."
Gavin Menzies in Reuters UK If accepted, the claim would force an "agonising reappraisal of the Eurocentric view of history", Menzies says in his book "1434: The Year A Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed To Italy and Ignited The Renaissance".