purvey :

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per vay

  • v  supply with provisions

  • Armed with this "spiritual pitch," CCC recruits could not only consolidate their faith but purvey it one-on-one like Amway.
  • So far, this has worked best for curators, scavengers and commentators the three pillars of the Temple of Blog and others who purvey short-form stuff.
  • According to Rosen, self-help and sex books, instant therapies and self-improvement courses like est purvey psychobabble in pure form.
News & Articles

  • Oceaneering, ExxonMobil in a Deal
    Oceaneering International Inc. has entered into a deal with ExxonMobil Corporation, to purvey a production control umbilical.
    June 28, 2013 - Zacks via Yahoo! Finance

  • Scott Boras in Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Mr. Coonelly is fully aware that a certified agent has the duty to notify the union of major rules violations by a club,Boras said. "What action the union takes following a grievance is totally within its purvey. And the violations that...

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