pugnacious :

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puhg na shis

  • s  tough and callous by virtue of experience
  • s  ready and able to resort to force or violence
    pugnacious spirits...lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance"- Herman Melville

  • The pugnacious French-British entrepreneur spent more than $ 1 million on promotion, and the initial pressrun of 416,000 copies was a sellout.
  • I liked John Gapper's FT profile of CNBC's "pugnacious pundit" Charlie Gasparino.
  • Nor would we have had the opportunity to read her charming but pugnacious slice-of-life portraits of Cuba, which she has been sending out through cyberspace since April 2007 as the .
News & Articles


  • Don Cherry in Toronto Sun
    In an interview Thursday, Cherry said he starting commenting on the Leafs because Burke promised he would be "pugnacious and tenacious and I don't think he was getting pugnacious guys."
  • Ralph Goodale in National Post
    That will be an interesting signal,Mr. Goodale said. "Will the government come back to the House of Commons as ornery and pugnacious as when they left, or is there a signal to be sent that they want a more productive working atmosphere?"
  • Marianne Wiggins in Los Angeles Times
    Novelist Marianne Wiggins said she had feminist problems with Mailer, but that she admired his insistence on being "larger than life, pugnacious, politically vigorous" and added that now "no one on the American landscape" is doing what he...

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