pubes :

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  • n  the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs
  • n  one of the three sections of the hipbone; together these two bones form the front of the pelvis

  • Much of the meaning is simply that die-hards over 25 like to mourn their lost youth, and the new generation of pre-and post-pubes want to get some idea of what the thrill was all .
  • It is a frontal view of a woman's pubes, painted with vast enthusiasm: the symbolic climax, one might say, of the series of dark caverns Courbet painted in his native countryside .
  • Patsy: You couldnt tell where the pubes ended and the feet began.
News & Articles

  • Santa Fe Eavesdropper
    By: SFR 'He has three hairs'two pubes and one in his pit'and he's named them all.' 'Overheard at Ristra 'Have an organic chicken, do you want it'' 'Frozen'' 'Yes, recently.' 'Overheard at Ten Thousand
    Aug. 21, 2013 - Santa Fe Reporter

  • Sarah Silverman in UW Badger Herald
    Laura shaves her pubes, but it's heartbreaking because her bush was her memory of our mother. Honestly, it's so sweet,Silverman said. "Pubes with heart. If I had to describe the show: pubes with heart."
  • Dougie Poynter in
    They would regularly return home to find that teenage girls had clambered through their windows and left them bewildering gifts - "like cookies that came with a note saying, 'My pubes are in these cookies.' Ewwwwww," says Poynter.

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