proviso :

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pruh vahy zoh

  • n  a stipulated condition

  • The law's principal proviso is that no single donor may give more than $5,000 to any one national campaign organization.
  • Speak about anything you want with the proviso that your topic, and your opinions on it, must be of interest to some group of strangers who you imagine will be listening to the .
  • Viewers from across Europe are allowed to phone or text in their rankings of the contestants, with the proviso that a country's voters cannot vote for their own country's .
News & Articles


  • Vladimir Putin in Hindu
    On various occasions we provided India with nuclear fuel. And we will help in settling her problems in international affairs with the proviso that Russia will abide by international obligations,Putin, who will be the chief guest at the...
  • Mark Hughes in Times of India
    They felt they wanted him to be involved in the squad and...... the decision was made he could stay with them under the proviso he doesn't take any part in the game,Hughes said after City lost 1-0 to a young UAE side in Abu Dhabi on Thursday.
  • Charles Steger in ESPN
    The university provided one last opportunity for Vick to become a citizen of the university and readmitted him in January 2005, with the proviso that any future problems would result in automatic dismissal from the team,Steger said Friday.

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