Hand-stitched from either burlap or canvas, the dolls have smooth, rounded heads and protuberant eyes; they look like early aviators.
She is tall and skinny and her arms and legs extend out from her narrow torso with its slightly protuberant belly almost like the appendages of a spider who got shortchanged on legs.
The creature had a great sullen slit of a mouth, vast protuberant eyes, shaggy curls of rolled metal.
Motels have lost their glow Years ago I taught with a fidgety man who rolled his protuberant eyes when I mentioned a nice motel I’d stayed in at Lake Tahoe during a conference. He said he’d sleep in his VW Bug before a motel. Didn’t I know that “motels” is an acronym for “many opportunities to ensure little sleep?”
July 26, 2013 - Craig Daily Press