promiscuous :

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proh mi skwuhs

  • s  not selective of a single class or person
    Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money
  • s  casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior

  • There are promiscuous boys who prey on less experienced girls, says Bearman, "and girls who are predators of boys.
  • And no institution was more potent in molding Crevecoeur's "promiscuous breed" into Washington's "one people" than the American public school.
  • Whether a "wayward" girl is a euphemism or a description, the San Francisco City Clinic has decided that "promiscuous" women can be defined: "Married women who had.

  • David Cameron in ic Coventry
    A Tory peer has been ordered to think before opening his mouth after making remarks about "grubby, drunken and promiscuous" nurses, David Cameron said.
  • Russell Brand in Actress Archives
    Speaking on the British talk show "GMTV," Brand said "There was a deep craving within me - I mistook it for lust. I thought I was promiscuous, but it turns out I was just thorough - to get the right one. I'm ever so happy."
  • Danja in Washington Post
    It's a good summer song because it feels good,said Danja. "There's the feeling how people meet over the summertime and springtime, how people find love over the summer. A lot of people break up over the same time so they can be promiscuous...

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