The statement of the President polarized the world into two camps: one group of countries believed what the President said while the other said a team of independent inspectors had to be sent to verify his claims.
The decision of the High Court on gay rights has polarized public opinion right down the middle and there seems to be no compromise in sight.
Sunni and Shiite militias are "trying to polarize the country, they're systematically trying to assassinate moderates, and they're trying to divide the population into homogenous .
Paul Ryan: ‘I will debate anybody’ who says immigration bill is ‘amnesty’ Earlier this year, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul warned lawmakers not to trip over loaded phrases like "pathway to citizenship" and "amnesty" to describe the effort to overhaul immigration. Doing so, Paul said, would polarize the debate over reform—and he was right. Not surprisingly, opponents of the immigration bill regularly refer to it as an [...]
June 12, 2013 - The Ticket via Yahoo! News
Dennis Holtschneider in 940 News In the opinion of those opposing tenure, your unprofessional personal attacks divert the conversation away from consideration of ideas, and polarize and simplify conversations that deserve layered and subtle consideration,Holtschneider wrote...
Jesús Ortega in FOXNews They have to withdraw these videos immediately,said Jesus Ortega, a Democratic Revolution leader, on Saturday. "They polarize things and create an atmosphere of conflict that doesn't help debate."
Keith Lewis in Los Angeles Times You have to understand we never want to take away a girl's beliefs or her voice,Lewis said. "But when you wear the title that says 'I represent everyone,' you can't then polarize the people you represent."