poetry :

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poh uh tree

  • n  literature in metrical form
  • n  any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feeling

  • The kudos for poetry went entirely to old hands.
  • It was a dry season for poetry.
  • A new book of children's poetry inspired by a Kennedy tradition .
News & Articles

  • Poetry Corner Kicks: Toronto FC 1 - Union 1
    Don’t worry everyone, Poetry Corner Kicks is back! I realize that skipping a poetry recap feels like being a TFC fan after minute 85, but even I need a vacation once in a while.
    June 12, 2013 - Philly.com
  • Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show at Falkirk
    The Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show will host a poetry reading Thursday, June 13, at Falkirk Cultural Center.
    June 12, 2013 - Ross Valley Reporter
  • Panel Pulls Poetry Luminaries to Rediscovered Books
    Cruise down to the Idaho Poetry Panel at Rediscovered Books Saturday, June 15, and learn poetry from two seasoned scholars and Idaho natives. by Ryan Thorne If all you know about poetry is limited to the verses laid down by rappers or the Shakespeare you had to read in school, cruise down to the Idaho Poetry Panel at Rediscovered Books Saturday, June 15, and learn poetry from two seasoned ...
    June 12, 2013 - Boise Weekly

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton in Forbes
    I feel sad for someone who has never known love. Love elevates. You know, Brad would joke about me having this conversation about love. Love? It's such a funny word. Brad can find certain phrases of poetry for it. I'm terrible at it. But I know it... Angelina Jolie http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGlrjN5N7LqhL14i7LJZOWvqIMAvg NDTV.com http://www.google.com/url?q=http://movies.ndtv.com/movie_story.aspx%3FSection%3DMovies%26ID%3DENTEN20100145975%26subcatg%3DMOVIESINDIA%26keyword%3Dhollywood&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNH2abQQO9vafHM14TH5NTkOge6-0w Jul 8, 2010 75570 101994 poetry You campaign in poetry, you govern in prose," Clinton said.
  • Nikki Giovanni in 940 News
    It was not bad poetry. It was intimidating,poet Nikki Giovanni, one of his professors, told CNN Wednesday.

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