ploughshare :

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plow shayr

  • n  a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil

  • Stumbling over furrows of Kansas corn belt near Arkansas City, reaching in with the ploughshare to turn over a deeper layer of rich black loam, a farmer recently encountered an .
  • All is studied, all calculated, from the pitch of a ploughshare to the cost of lubricating oil in the tractor that hauls the loaded wheat wagons to the fireproof bins (100,000 bu .
News & Articles

  • 2,600 Slang Terms For Genitalia Throughout The Ages
    You really don’t want to know how your great great great great great grandmother talked. The mouse. The fork. The cork. The ploughshare. The staff of life. The placket-racket. The whim-wham. The peacemaker. Read Full Story        
    Aug. 19, 2013 - Fast Company Magazine

  • Chris Fowler in The Guardian
    When talking about disarmament, people mention 'beating their swords into ploughshares',says Chris Fowler. "The opposite of a sword is therefore a ploughshare. However, as the innings in question was, apparently, anything but an example of...

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