pickpocket :

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pikpo kuht

  • n  a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places

  • In New Orleans Angels have nabbed a knife-wielding robber with a record of 57 previous arrests and a pickpocket who turned out to be a murder suspect wanted by police.
  • By the fadeout, the pickpocket and the B-girl have found true love, and Government agents, with the pickpocket's help, have smashed a Red spy ring.
  • If opponents of capital punishment had to sum up their entire case in one tableau, it would be a scene showing a 19th century English pickpocket reaching for the pocket of a .

  • Peter Vallone in New York Sun
    This product shamelessly glorifies a culture of vandalism and lawlessness,Mr. Vallone said yesterday. "If this drink was called 'pickpocket pickup,' and had pictures of criminals lifting wallets, wouldn't people be offended?"
  • Carl Froch in EastsideBoxing.com
    Froch added: "I don't like Barney's whole shape up around this fight. I think he is going to come and try and pickpocket a decision with his usual hit and run tactics." "If he does think that then he has another thing coming. I will just trap...
  • Brad McCrimmon in The Detroit News
    He should be a pickpocket, that little begger,Wings assistant coach Brad McCrimmon told the Calgary Herald after the game. "I mean, you're not looking, he's lying in wait and pfft, he's got your wallet and is whistling his way down the...

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