perspicuous :

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  • s  (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
    a perspicuous argument

  • Five Finger Exercise (Columbia, adapted from the prizewinning play by Britain's Peter Shaffer, is a perspicuous and painful study of a family that has risen from rags to.
  • A perspicuous and painful study of a family that has risen from rags to wretchedness.
  • Sir Robert Home, another Conservative ex-Chancellor, stated that he had never heard in the course of his Parliamentary experience a clearer or more perspicuous statement on .
News & Articles

  • Morning Minutes: Feb. 7
    Word of the Dayperspicuous \per-SPIK-yoo-uhs\ (noun) 1. clearly expressed or presented; lucid. 2. perspicacious. — www.dictionary.comWebsite of the DayLifehackerlifehacker.comThis daily weblog on software and personal productivity recommends downloads, websites and shortcuts that help you work smarter and save time.Number to Know10: On this date in 1976, Darryl Sittler set an NHL record for ...
    Feb. 8, 2014 - Redwood Falls Gazette

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