peacefulness :

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pees fuhl nuhs

  • n  a state that is calm and tranquil
  • n  the absence of mental stress or anxiety

  • Hippies made it a sort of all-purpose symbol of peacefulness.
  • Their religion places great stress on industriousness, peacefulness and obedience to the law.
  • What they crave is his presence and his peacefulness.
News & Articles

  • Index: U.S. among nations less likely to pursue peace
    The planet is not a peaceful place, according to a painstaking analysis that quantifies the relative peacefulness of 162 nations. Released Tuesday, the seventh annual Global Peace Index assessed each country's internal crime statistics, population trends and other factors — from the number of homicides to terrorist activity to prevailing ...
    June 12, 2013 - The Washington Times
  • Video: Peace and Resilience: Assessing State Vulnerability to Conflict
    The Global Peace Index (GPI) is the first-ever analysis to methodically rank countries on their peacefulness and identify potential determinants of peace. Comprised of a range of indicators measuring the absence of violence in society, the GPI takes into consideration both internal and external factors and measures 99% of the world's population. read more
    June 11, 2013 - Center for Strategic and International Studies

  • Kevin Andrews in Melbourne Herald Sun
    Any matter which involves violence in the community is something which we abhor, regardless of who is the perpetrator or the victim of the violence,Mr Andrews said. "Violence is not a part of the peacefulness and the tolerance which has...
  • Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in BBC News
    The public should understand that if there isn't democracy there won't be any justice, or political stability, or peacefulness,Mr Lopez Obrador said in a speech at the camp - where he too spent the night.

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