Crossing Paris, the first and longest tale, is by Marcel Ayme, a deft ironist who likes to pare the French mind and character like an apple.
Whatever the reason, there are several grassroots movements afoot that have average Joes trying to pare down their possessions and do more living with less stuff.
He has also has pushed hard to dispatch more armor and remote-controlled drones to Afghanistan and Iraq even if it means the services have to pare back their spending on gold .
Kishore Kumar in Deccan Herald The government's reformist strategy in oil and I&B sector has boosted investment confidence among FIIs and other market participants. Buying at lower level and firm European cues helped market to pare early losses,they added.
Marc Cherry in Hartford Courant The soap had really started to build up, and I kind of wanted to pare down to where everyone's problems were small but very relatable,Cherry said at a session at the TV critics press tour. "And I thought: 'Oh. Let's just go forward in...