In 1987, he applied for and was given permission to use the machine, and remotely from his Ann Arbor, Michigan, location he set the parameters and ran his program.
Drop-down menus allow you to set some search parameters, such as business type and location; run a News search for recent articles, Business search for facts and figures, or a Web .
Soon, instead of speculating about the possible environmental impact of, say, the Kyoto accord, policymakers will be able to plug its parameters into the virtual Earth, then skip .
Modeling Software handles high-power devices to 10 kV/1,500 A. Extracting active device and circuit model parameters, Integrated Circuits Characterization and Analysis Program (IC-CAP) performs modeling tasks such as instrument control, DAQ, graphical analysis, simulation, and optimization. IC-CAP fully supports B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer, including its high-power, high-current source monitor unit modules. Users can measure high-power devices ...
July 5, 2013 - ThomasNet
Terry Francona in Boston Globe I don't know that we have a parameter yet,Francona said. "When we know the severity of it, then we'll have some parameters. I think anybody that's been around Dustin would bet on him being quicker than anybody humanly possible healing. But...
Ignacio Bunye in GMA The point here is that the number one concern is to find out where the funds came from and how it was disbursed. So I think given that parameter, the PACG would be able to conduct its investigation,Bunye said.