While it can be said that Moussaoui's overstay status was fortuitous, because it allowed for him to be taken into immediate custody and prevented him receiving any more .
And he worries about the continued lack of tracking ability for foreign nationals who overstay their visas.
The government still lacks a system for determining whether immigrants who enter legally overstay their visas, as two 911 hijackers did.
Hotels step up to help ease wildfire evacuees' burden Many of the evacuated residents from the Carpenter 1 wildfire are staying with friends and family, but for many, it's a tricky situation because they are reluctant to overstay their...
July 11, 2013 - News 3 Las Vegas
David Yates in Washington Post Without modifications, the proposed bill could devalue the importance of family reunification, replace the current group of undocumented immigrants with a new undocumented population consisting of guest workers who will overstay their visas, and... Barack Obama http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHQ0yfPaaXFGqLKymRgcres0I2nuA Forbes http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2007/05/17/ap3734715.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHRO9vXv5uKWxuZUr34EtlORodJkg May 17, 2007
71302 95263 overstay Sometimes they overstay their welcome just by that little, tiny percent. There's a sweet spot for running length where the audience comes out feeling elated, feeling they actually want more. Reaching that sweet spot takes a lot of discipline,"...
Glenn Stevens in BusinessWeek Monetary policy must therefore be careful not to overstay a very expansionary setting,Stevens told lawmakers at a parliamentary committee hearing in Canberra today.