outwit :

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  • v  beat through cleverness and wit

  • An estimated 85 million Russian viewers are riveted to their TV screens every Sunday night as contestants try to outwit police to win the coveted prize.
  • I also developed a technique--holding the device gingerly by its edges--to outwit the awkward control buttons.
  • I will never forget a visit to Krefeld where we tried to outwit an angry mob of protesters with a decoy motorcadea maneuver which met with a spectacular lack of success.
News & Articles


  • Joe Trippi in Chicago Tribune
    Dean alumni are "scattered across a whole host of campaigns that aredetermined to outwit each other on the Internet or mobile or whatever theplatform is," Trippi said.
  • David Frum in guardian.co.uk
    Headlined "No policy can outwit the Grim Reaper", Frum argues that we must blame the criminal not the gun culture.
  • Sam Allardyce in BBC Sport
    Speaking about his successes against the Frenchman with Bolton, Allardyce said: "As an opposing manager, Arsene Wenger came out and criticised what we did. You just smile and say: 'I've managed to outwit you again. My tactics have been better on the...

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