An estimated 85 million Russian viewers are riveted to their TV screens every Sunday night as contestants try to outwit police to win the coveted prize.
I also developed a technique--holding the device gingerly by its edges--to outwit the awkward control buttons.
I will never forget a visit to Krefeld where we tried to outwit an angry mob of protesters with a decoy motorcadea maneuver which met with a spectacular lack of success.
Baby Superman nailed Russell Crowe a few times in 'Man of Steel' Russell Crowe has a reputation as quite the tough guy, but he finally met his match playing Superman's dad Jor-El in Man of Steel . Because nobody can outwit or outgun a baby Superman who poops on you.
June 11, 2013 - Tampa Bay Times
Joe Trippi in Chicago Tribune Dean alumni are "scattered across a whole host of campaigns that aredetermined to outwit each other on the Internet or mobile or whatever theplatform is," Trippi said.
David Frum in Headlined "No policy can outwit the Grim Reaper", Frum argues that we must blame the criminal not the gun culture.
Sam Allardyce in BBC Sport Speaking about his successes against the Frenchman with Bolton, Allardyce said: "As an opposing manager, Arsene Wenger came out and criticised what we did. You just smile and say: 'I've managed to outwit you again. My tactics have been better on the...