outcry :

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  • n  a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
  • v  shout louder than
  • v  utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy

  • The law's failure to identify the killer led to such an outcry that both the home secretary and London police commissioner resigned in disgrace.
  • When Mudge's verdict was proved tragically mistaken last week, a public outcry ensued.
  • Public outcry is as uncommon in Russia as borsch without sour cream, but something very much like it has been triggered by last month's sentencing of four young intellectuals to .
News & Articles


  • Paul Watson in The Age
    A decision by the Rudd Government to close Australia's ports to us would bring a political outcry,Captain Watson said. "Australian and New Zealand ports are presently closed to Japanese whaling vessels, and not Sea Shepherd vessels, for...
  • Bill Clinton in AllAfrica.com
    Clinton said that if HIV/AIDS were the "leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34, there would be an outraged outcry in this country."
  • Shami Chakrabarti in FOXNews
    Imagine the outcry if a device was introduced that caused blanket discomfort to people of one race or gender, rather than to our kids,Chakrabarti said. "The 'Mosquito' has no place in a country that values its children and seeks to instill...

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