naked :

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nay kuhd

  • s  completely unclothed
    naked from the waist up
  • s  having no protecting or concealing cover
    naked to mine enemies"- Shakespeare
  • s  (of the eye or ear e.g.) without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument
    visible to the naked eye
  • s  devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure
    naked ambition
  • s  lacking any cover
    naked branches of the trees
    lie on the naked rock

  • If short selling is the sale of something you don't own, naked short selling is the sale of something that may not even exist.
  • He says he was in the pileup of naked men ordered to lie on the backs of other detainees as a smiling soldier in glasses looks on.
  • He sang Kumbayah around the campfire naked, gave a speech to the entire camp naked and played the violin in a talent show naked.
News & Articles

  • Naked man accused of attacking commuters pleads not guilty
    The 24-year-old man accused of attacking commuters while naked at a San Francisco subway station proclaimed he is not guilty Tuesday.
    June 19, 2013 - CNN
  • Naked Bares it All for the Media
    VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Naked Brand Group Inc. (the "Company" or "Naked") (OTCQB:NAKD) continues to land on the pages of the hottest and most influential sites and magazines ...
    June 18, 2013 - GlobeNewswire via Yahoo! Finance
  • Naked gymnast faces charges over San Francisco transit stop antics
    By Laila Kearney SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A trained gymnast whose naked acrobatics and harassment of passengers at a San Francisco public transit station were captured on video and circulated widely on the Internet is facing criminal charges over his antics, authorities said on Tuesday. Yeiner Alberto Perez Garizabalo, 24, was caught on video doing handstands and contortions on turnstiles and ...
    June 18, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! News

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