The new film is conflicted about its subject it both derides and adores what it means to parody and it's miscast at the top.
New court challenges, like the one in Palm Beach over the butterfly ballot that led so many people to miscast their votes, would seem like spiteful attempts to delay the inevitable.
In his rare public interviews, Ikeda presents himself as a moderate who has been miscast by the press.
Bill Donohue in Showbiz Spy League president Bill Donohue told a US newspaper: "She is seriously miscast. She would be better suited to play the lead role in a flick called 'Monica' [as in Lewinsky]. If she did, the Catholic League would be delighted to send her a box of...
Andrew Young in Atlanta Journal Constitution Americans cannot be rational about Mugabe,Young said. "We've always miscast Mugabe. He's a fundamentalist Roman Catholic. ...... He doesn't steal."
Barack Obama in Chicago Tribune I wouldn't be surprised if, a week from now, he's no longer attorney general. He has just miscast his role, misperceived his role. Instead of just being the president's lawyer who rubber stamps everything the White House wants, he has a role, as... Charles Schumer FOXNews,2933,259462,00.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHbwCL0QO4-5YjUDgAhmbJlf1rpDw Mar 18, 2007
64044 85385 miscegenation I would have probably said it's less important that we focus on an anti-miscegenation law than we focus on a voting rights law and a non-discrimination and employment law and all the legal rights that are conferred by the state," Obama said.