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  • v  assign in incorrect name to

  • Because the label "feminine" has come to be attached to the stylistic spinsterism and tiny ironies of both sexes, there is a temptation to miscall the writing of Shirley Ann Grau .
  • She did not fret about the point just past, however irritating her own error or an official's miscall, and she did not think about what would come next.
News & Articles

  • Chart of the Day: Uninsured Getting Covered
    Here’s a Gallup poll Obamacare foes must get busy discounting (they could always dredge up the survey company’s famous miscall of the 1948 campaign) because it’s a clear sign the Affordable Care Act is doing the big thing it was supposed to do: Insure the Uninsured. The percentage of Americans without health insurance has dropped […]
    March 31, 2014 - CQ Politics Blogs

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