The mechanist will miniaturize it in terms of microfiche, and the mystics will miniaturize it by moving to a certain core of books and developing consciousness.
The North has long had the ability to produce fuel for nuclear weapons, but it now seems intent on gaining the capability to miniaturize them and mount them on missiles.
The vice president brought the disquieting news that Iraq's "ability to miniaturize weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear," had been "substantially refined since the .
Cats Tracked With Same Technology Used To Study Cheetahs April Flowers for - Your Universe Online A team of scientists from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, has teamed up with BBC Two’s Horizon program to miniaturize GPS tracking collars, originally used to study hunting cheetahs in Botswana, to follow 50 domestic cats in a Surrey Village. The cats were also outfitted with cat-cams that were turned on by the collar’s ...
June 15, 2013 - redOrbit
Wolfgang Ketterle in Xinhua Ketterle, now a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "the main impact of atom chips is to miniaturize the experimental setup of BEC."