memorialise :

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  • Sean McCormack in Times of India
    It will memorialise their common understandings to this point,and look ahead to negotiations the two sides expect to begin in earnest after the session, McCormack said.
  • Barack Obama in
    So on this day, of all days, let's memorialise our fallen heroes by honouring all who wear our country's uniform; and by completing their work to make America more secure and our world more free,Senator Obama said in New Mexico. "But let's...
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton in New York Times
    I said we already have a movie of it and it's perfectly fine, but I thought maybe we should memorialise all these amazing performances. We wanted to make sure that the musical would be remembered, with the original songs and the original stars. We... Mel Brooks BBC News Dec 25, 2005 62703 83559 memorialization Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that there is no memorialization of any informal and oral agreements" on construction in settlements.

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