If the President feels bad about the nation's opinion of hima meager 25% of those surveyed in a June Gallup poll approve of Bush's performanceall he needs to do is pick up .
As for legislating, the former farm-radio broadcaster's record over three terms are meager: Asked what his greatest successes over two decades were, aides touted .
Fifteen years ago, drawing on her meager savings, she founded Hyflux, a company that pursued a wide range of water-related ventures in Asia, from cleaning wastewater in China to .
Brazil Consumers Take A Break Brazil consumers are either tapped out or taking a breather from debt as retail sales in April rose a meager 0.5% from March sales, according to government data released Thursday.
June 13, 2013 - Forbes
Asked about Phils' offense, Manuel shows frustration It took just a couple of questions about his lineup and offense Wednesday to get Charlie Manuel riled up. The Phillies manager is clearly frustrated about his meager offense.
June 13, 2013 - Philadelphia Phillies
Dwain Lingenfelter in Regina Leader-Post It's a very meager program and I think it takes totally for granted the farmers in the flood area,he said, adding the NDP will continue to push for more aid dollars.
John McCain in Los Angeles Times Over time, people will compare her accomplishments with that of Sen. Obama and his are very meager,McCain said on ABC. "She is experienced, she's talented and she knows how to lead. This is what Americans want."
Henry Waxman in CBS News The program's inflated administrative costs and meager drug rebates will cost taxpayers and seniors $15 billion this year alone,Waxman says in a statement.