linguist :

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lingg wist

  • n  a specialist in linguistics
  • n  a person who speaks more than one language

  • Trained as a civil engineer, linguist, cultural anthropologist and Presbyterian minister, he describes himself as a "Christian social engineer.
  • An Arabic linguist on his second tour in Iraq, Zachary Scott-Singley, 24, understood the fighting part.
  • A DoD linguist is present.
News & Articles

  • What language is your baby speaking?
    Your linguistic guide to baby babbling
    June 17, 2013 - The Week via Yahoo! News
  • Why 'To Tweet' Is Lowercase but 'To Google' Is Not
    The linguistic snobs over at the Oxford English Dictionary have accepted "tweet" — as in to post something on Twitter — into its exclusive language club because "it seems to be catching on" as a verb in its own right, which got us thinking: how did it get itself lower-case t status? Other brand name verbs don't work like that. Xerox the verb, for example is big X Xerox; the OED has Google the ...
    June 14, 2013 - The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News
  • Altitude affects how language is spoken
    MIAMI, June 13 (UPI) -- The way different languages sound may depend on how far above sea level they're spoken, a University of Miami anthropological linguist says.
    June 13, 2013 - UPI

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